

Four Fold Directions

by Christine Hoff Kraemer, with selections from Ralph Metzner -- inspired by the book The Four-Fold Way


Will you turn to the East.

Spirit of the East,

Radiance of the rising Sun,

Heat of the Visionary's inner fire,

We call on your power, not just to see far,

But to look more clearly at the here and now.

Burn away our spiritual darkness,

Give us the strength to tell the truth.

We pray that we may be aligned with you,

That we may embody the visionary fire

For the good of this planet

And all beings upon it.


Will you turn to the South.

Spirit of the South,

Invisible breath of the Wind,

Force of the Warrior's spirit in motion,

We call upon your power for right action,

Your cool breeze of clarity and discernment.

Give us sharp edges to divide right from wrong,

To slice out old patterns, bring justice and change.

We pray that we may be aligned with you,

That we may embody the warrior spirit

For the good of this planet

And all beings upon it.


Will you turn to the West.

Spirit of the West,

Current of the Great Waters,

Source of the Teacher's bottomless wisdom,

We call upon your reservoir of deep knowledge,

Your power to cleanse and to dissolve all boundaries.

Take the best of what is buried within us,

Let it bubble to the surface to quench others' thirst.

We pray that we may be aligned with you,

That we may embody the teacher's wisdom

For the good of this planet

And all beings upon it.


Will you turn to the North.

Spirit of the North,

Endless cycle of the fruitful Earth,

Beat of the Healer's compassionate heart,

We call upon your power of nurture and endurance,

Your capacity to heal, comfort, support.

Lend us your ability to labor and birth,

To take what we imagine and make it real.

We pray that we may be aligned with you,

That we may embody the healer's love

For the good of this planet

And all beings upon it.


Will you turn to the Center.

O Great Spirit, both within and beyond,

Through you all is connected, all things are one.

We pray that we may be aligned with you,

For the good of this planet

And all beings upon it.

Visionary, Warrior, Teacher, and Healer,

May each of us be. Amen.