

777 Directions (Congregational Version)


Please stand in a spirit of meditation.

(or, "Let us turn Within.")


Blessed art thou, O Void of Dark

The womb that gestates a universe of light.

You are the silence of the vacuum

And the Nothing by which we recognize Being.

Out of you we have come; to you shall we return.

We welcome you. Blessed be.


Let us turn to the East.


Blessed art thou, O Mind of Air

The fresh breeze that blows distraction away.

You are keen edge of a blade

And the clarity of the very first moment of dawn.

On your currents we rise to discern Being’s pattern.

We welcome you. Blessed be.


Let us turn to the South.


Blessed art thou, O Soul of Fire

The thrust of desire that allows us to act.

You are the passion that warms from within

And the white-hot beam of a focused will.

From the flames of your pyre we arise renewed.

We welcome you. Blessed be.


Let us turn to the West.


Blessed art thou, O Heart of Water

The cup of blessing that ever runs over.

You are the rain that washes us clean

And the ebb and flow of the ocean’s tide.

In you is all our love, as well as our pain.

We welcome you. Blessed be.


Let us turn to the North.


Blessed art thou, O Body of Earth

The solid ground upon which we build.

You are the cradle of all that lives,

The land from which we eat our fill.

From your abundance we learn pleasure, and generosity.

We welcome you. Blessed be.


Let us turn to the Heavens.


Blessed art thou, O Truth of Light

The luminance cast by a conscious mind.

You are the eternal Word made flesh

And the voice from the dark that first said “I.”

By your power to name we self-create.

We welcome you. Blessed be.


Let us turn to the Center.


Blessed art thou, O Mystery* of Spirit

You who forever make all things new.

You are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end;

It is you that we attain at the end of desire;

In creation itself we see your face.

We cherish you, as you do us. Blessed be.


*or "Life Force"




Copyright © 2002 by Christine Hoff Kraemer