

Four Fold Way Advent Candle-Lighting Ceremonies

Inspired by The Four-Fold Way by Angeles Arren



Lighting the Advent Candle - Candle of Vision


Leader: Today we begin the season of Advent by lighting the first of five candles in our advent wreath. We shall call this candle the Visionary's candle. It represents the fire of vision, the spirit of the East that draws from the expectation of the Sun's rise. Its light is nothing less than hope, the ability to perceive possibilities when others have been blinded by despair.


All: We light this candle to honor the visionary spirit in us all.


Lighting of the Candle of Vision



Lighting the Advent Candle - Candle of Strength


Leader: Today we light the second Advent candle, the Warrior's candle. This candle represents the virtues of strength and dedication, the ability to determine right action, and the will to devote ourselves wholeheartedly to a cause. We honor the sharp-edged mind that discerns right from wrong, and the stout heart that allows us to stand firm on our most cherished principles. Today, we remind ourselves that strength must be used in the service of peace.

All: We light this candle to honor the Warrior spirit in us all.

Lighting of the Candles of Vision and Strength



Lighting the Advent Candle - Candle of Wisdom


Leader: Today we light the third Advent candle, the Teacher's candle. This candle stands for the wisdom of water, the deep knowledge that comes not from books or classrooms alone, but from contemplation of our inner currents and awareness of our immersion in the divine. Today we rededicate ourselves to deepening our wisdom and passing on what we have learned to others.


All: We light this candle to honor the Teacher spirit in us all.

Lighting of the Candles of Vision, Strength, and Wisdom



Lighting the Advent Candle - Candle of Love


Leader: Today we light the fourth Advent candle, the Healer's candle. This candle represents the earth’s life-giving force and the love with which God births creation into being. We honor our ability to nurture, to heal, and to lend strength with a comforting and supportive hand. In a violent and uncertain world, we remind ourselves that love is always stronger.

All: We light this candle to honor the Healer spirit in us all.

Lighting of the Candles of Vision, Strength, Wisdom, and Love



Lighting the Christ Candle*


Leader: Tonight is the night for which we have been waiting. The Advent wreath is completed with the Christ candle in the center. “For unto us a child is given, unto us a Savior is born and the order of the world will be upon Christ’s shoulders.” With the birth of Christ, our lives are centered, focused, turned toward God. We light this candle to honor the incarnation of all our vision, strength, wisdom, and love.

All: We light this candle to honor Christ’s living spirit within us all.

Lighting of the Advent and Christ Candles




*This section was adapted from an existing liturgy, but I do not know the original source. All other material on the this page is copyright (c) 2002 by Christine Hoff Kraemer.